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A quirk in the programming i'm afraid! |
Cakebread Links |
The links are sorted alphabetically Linguistics & Writing SystemsAnglo- Saxon FUTHORC | Writing System developed in Britain and Friesland. | 09/30/2007 8:12pm (UTC) | 450 Clicks | Ethnolinguistic map of Europe | Pre WW1 map. | 02/02/2007 4:19pm (UTC) | 394 Clicks | FUTHARK Runes | Writing system used in the Germanic world | 09/30/2007 8:14pm (UTC) | 254 Clicks | Info Poland | Some great Linguistic Maps | 02/02/2007 4:03pm (UTC) | 465 Clicks | Rune Converter | Convert your name into the Anglo- Saxon Runic Alphabet or "FUTHORC" | 09/30/2007 8:17pm (UTC) | 575 Clicks | <= Back to overviewAdd own link: |
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